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New Masterclasses

Save your slot and learn

from 20 years of wig making.


- Creations since 2005 -

Junkrat Auftrag 3. Perücke schmal ohne S

A wide selection of the wigs and beards after over 15 years of cosplay and many years of wig and beard commissions.

Photo: Jamari Lior

bakka Cosplay - Bodypaint [Masks] - Jama

Hair, prosthetics, special effect- and beauty make-up work over the years.

Photo: Valentin Pictures

bakka Cosplay - Junkrat - Valentin Offne

An extravagant passion enriching bakka's work and life since 2005 with thousands to 100k of followers worldwide.

- book bakka -

photo: Lightning cosplay 2020


Professional one of a kind wigs & hairpieces, customized to your project for your events, photoshootings and more!

Photo: Sarah Jenak @ T7 Cyberpunk Fan Fan Film


Special effect make-up, hair work and creation of innovative solutions for movies, photoshootings and events.  #GetItDone!


Over 15 years of experience : Booths, panels, judging, walking acts and contact with ten thousands of followers as well as brands and partners worldwide.


Costume replica, ergo fake weapons! Handle responsibly anyway!

- bakka shop -

Upgrade your cosplays with handmade props and support bakka cosplay while rocking fashionable appeal with our exclusive merchandise.

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